
pam gould

District 4 Representative


Teresa jacobs

There are eight members that make up the Orange County School Board. Seven are elected from the single district which they represent, where each must reside in that district; and one is elected county wide and serves as the chairman of the school board.

Members are elected for four-year terms. Four are elected at the time of the presidential election, and four, including the chairman, at the time of the gubernatorial election.

School board Meetings

In accordance with Florida's Sunshine Law, all meetings are open to the public, except those dealing with bargaining (involving the unions), executive sessions (involving pending litigation), and/or closed sessions (involving safety/cybersecurity plans). For more information regarding the school board meetings, work sessions, and rule developments please visit http://www.boarddocs.com/fla/orcpsfl/Board.nsf/Public. 

All meetings are recorded and posted online.

other representatives

School board members have authority only when the board meets in official session and a quorum is present. The board is responsible for setting policy and meeting requirements set by the Florida Legislature and State Board of Education Rules. 

To make your voice heard on issues you care about, contact other state and local representatives.